Finally completed my first class in Thailand! Now we have the week break and then the second module starts up! So I am posting the pictures of the performance and if you check my facebook within the next couple days I will upload the videos that a friend of mine recorded on my camera, so not the best quality, but there should be an actual tape coming out soon.
It looks like the week off will sadly not include a beach trip but instead several day trips around the area, and possibly a weekend getaway to Pai! Where we can whitewater raft, swim in waterfalls, ride elephants and everything else Thailand!Tonight the night market and again on Sunday, getting my shopping fill. Tomorrow we are going to Sticky Waterfall, which is exactly how it sounds. It is a waterfall that is sticky, and so you can climb up it. Haha never thought I would say tomorrow I am climbing up a waterfall! Then the elephants on Monday, and anything else we desire to go to during the week!
For now here are the pictures of the performance:
The table of accessories and my changing station
No that is not a cannon, but actually a drum, I know fooled me too.
First hairstyle of the evening:
Fingernail Dance #1
#2 Umbrella Dance
#3 Sukkothai
#4 Long Fingernail Dance
#5 Fan Dance
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